Hey, know what? I'm astonished to find that...I felt absolutely nothing when I visited my ex's Facebook profile page. I haven't been to his page for God knows how long and I clicked to his page just now 'cause he was everywhere on my News Feed. (He's also always, and I mean, seriously, ALWAYS in the friends listed at the side of my profile page. -_-) Bloody
bastard hell. But anyway, I felt NOT-A-THING! *insert millions of Ronald McDonald signature smile's smiley face emoticon*
Teeheehee. ♥
Mad good news for you! :) Keep it up!
Hahah, thanks! :) I'm just wondering when my Mr. Right would stroll along and sweep me off my feet :D
so cute! :p
top left pic is nice! :3
Me, right? Hehehe *shy Thanks.
top right picture gaga's pose! LOL.
Hahah is it? :) I don't really follow her so I don't know.
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