Friday, January 22, 2010

Stuck in reverse

Ho hum. My life is so utterly boring. It's the same routine everyday so I don't really have anything interesting to blog about. Thousand of apologies for the lack of updates hurrr. :/

And uh, I have a brand new air-cond installed in my room (WEEHOO!) 'cause my old one was a tad faulty as it kept causing the electricity at home to trip. I don't get why 'though. I think it's such a waste 'cause my old air-cond was actually still fully functional. Too bad, so sad. Oh well. At least I don't have to sleep with Mummy again. I could barely fall asleep 'cause she was snoring way too loudly, wtf.

Before I end this post, I love my boyfriend with every fibre of my beinggg. Silly boy. Teehee. Kiss kisssss. (L)

Goodbye and have an awesome weekend! :)


Cryssy said...

i thought u were pointing at an invisible angel halo WTF

EeXin U. said...

I'm pointing at my new airconddd :>