This is my current Msn display picture. Rad isn't it? Joan got one that says "HAHA. I don't get it" and Basil made one too. His one says "HAHA. Wat do u mean". We're icons buddies. Heeh. *big wide smile* Mwahs, love you guys.
I can't explain how am I feeling right now. I don't know how to. *big fat sigh* Jiawen suddenly asked me a funny question. She asked me if I like Aug? And I said no. Obviously, I was lying. I just don't want to appear as if I'm desperate or some sort, if you get what I mean. Screw moodswings. Ugh.
He'll never know how I feel when I'm around him. I don't even know if I exist in his eyes. I wanna know what he is thinking when he looks at me and smile. And each night I wonder, is he thinking of me. It's times like these when I think of him and wonder if he ever think of me too. There are many things I'd like to say to him, but I don't know how. I'm not even sure if I have the guts to. Sheesh, I spend too much time thinking about things that'll never happen and dressing up for the boy who'll never care. I am hopeless.. I don't know what to tell myself anymore. *frowns*
Have you ever denied your feelings for someone because your fear of rejection was too hard to handle? I have.
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