First of all, I'd like to wish my IVY WONG a Happy 15th Birthday. Oh and Clinton aka Lalaclin, Happy 14th Birthday in advance. *beams* Since it's like tommorow, so I'll just wish Lalaclin today in case I forgot. Heeh. :x
Ugh, my results sucked ass to the max, but what evs. I finally got results for the only subject I have pure unadulterated confidence in - ENGLISH! And I got 89%. Blarghs. So not good enough. I mean I'm suppose to get 90% and above. Anyways, I got second highest in class, but my essay got highest. Heeh. I got 46 out of 50. Stupid Gaby
Fyi, I flunked my Chinese, Moral and KH so far. *gulps* As for the others, I just passed. I don't know if I should be happy or sad. I'm numb. Lol. Not just numb, and frustrated and FREAKING NERVOUS about the trial. Oh shit. Screw all the shyat. @#$%^&*.

I thought he doesn't like me. Then why is he doing this to me? Sheesh. I can't stand it. Sometimes I feel like asking him myself. If he really likes me or not? I know it's a dumb thing to do. So what? It's either a yes or no. It's not that hard, it won't hurt. *frowns* If he doesn't like me, then why is he texting me? What's with the sortamaybekindof stares? It's seriously killing me. Gah. WHY?!
Before I forget, HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY! *grins* I don't needa go to school tommorow. Kesian those that needa go to school tommorow becos of the Teacher's Day. I can sleep late and Imma effing HAPPY about it. It's rare for me, you know. I can seldom sleep late. So yeah, big oppurtunity. Lol? *ngee*
Me likey likey Gareth Gates punya songs. Lol. It's oh-so-love. Siaw Kang introduced me Gareth Gates. Heeh? :x I also like this song. It's quite old. It's suppose to be a korean song, but I can't understand korean. I wish I can. Sigh. So yeah, I got the english version too. I like the lyrics, damn meaningful. It moved me to tears. Go watch the video in youtube. It's damn saddening lah. *sobs* I was so close from breaking down, but I didn't. Okay maybe, I just teared. I can't help it okay? It's just too devastating.
Basically, the video was about this girl who falls in love with a photographer. They became a couple. A careless act turned into an accident and the girl became blind. After an operation and an eye donation, she can see again but the guy had left her. Later on, she realises that the guy had actually donated his eyes to her so that she could see again. He left her so as not to be a burden..
Isn't it damn saddening and touching? Sigh. I was wondering, are koreans really that emotional? I still love korean dramas, no matter what. Heeh.
Hm, that's all. Bah lovers.
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