Saturday, June 30, 2007

listen to the wind blow.

Hello peepos.

I got scolded by my mom like dying shit. My mom scolded me all the way home. And then ended it with just study hard for this three months, then you can enjoy for the rest of the year. Open day sucks. I hate it. Gah. My mom met with three teachers. My history, geografy and maths teacher. All three of 'em gave stupid comments about me. Daydreaming, didn't pay attention in class and lazy. One of 'em even said what I hang out with those hujung hujung class Form5 boys and suspect that one of them is my boyfriend. Ugh, like come on? Pfft. I also got back my report card. It's sort of red-ish. *sigh* Good thing daddy doesn't know though, pheww. If not, I'll be so-o-o deadmeat. Btw, guess what's my tugas for the gotong-royong perdana thing, SUSUN THE PENYAPU. *evil grin* But in the end, I still end up wandering around NOT doing what I need to do.

Two of my lovely jiejies, Jeremy and Alvin are BANANAs. *laughs out loud* I seriously can't stop laughing man. *rolls of the chair* Okay, maybe they do know how to speak chinese, but not that well and their accent. It is hilarious. HAHAHAH.

Okay. I seriously needa stop fooling around and start studying my head off for these few months. I think I won't be blogging much anymore. I will stay away from the computer, I will stop giving into temptation. I will study hard. Mark my words.

I've run out of words. Toodles lovelies.

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