I saw (*horror music cues in*) her wearing a familiar necklace and it just immediately registered in my head as mine, used to be mine anyway. I feel slightly agitated and irked that he might have given the item which was once given to me to his new girlfriend. That's just cheap and insensitive. In my book, at the least.
I used to wear it everyday and it reminded me of him but when we ended, I thought it was the right thing to do - giving it back to him. Sure, it is his now and he can do whatever he wants with it but I just feel sickened by the fact that it is worn by somebody else now. Isn't it suppose to hold sentimental value or something? I feel squeamish at the thought of her wearing it.
Then again, it could be her own or whatever. So, whatever. I shan't care. Today's woes will stay in today, tomorrow will be a brand new day.

You, just not too long ago, said no one has me replaced yet and I'll always be the best you ever had but why does it so terribly feel like part by part, I am being replaced? Just a tiny part of me may not be willing but I think I'm ready to be forgotten.
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