Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I can't let it all out

My blog used to be my outlet where I could unrepressingly rant until it became kind of public and I realized that there were actually people (who aren't supposed to) reading it. So, I shifted my outlet to Twitter and frankly, Twitter was much more convenient compared to blogging as I could easily twit every other minute. If I were to blog every other minute? Just think about it.

However, I gradually feel that I can't and shouldn't twit as much as I like anymore because of people like you. People like you who would judge me and depict me just because of my mindless rants on Twitter.

So what if people are going to know about my twits? I am not ashamed of who I am or of my past because mind you, my past morphed me into the person I am today. I'm sorry if I don't keep my past concealed and locked in the closet with the rest of my skeletons. If people want to get to know me, don't you think they should get to know the real deal and not some fake facade I put on just for show? And if they supposingly can't handle all of me then it's not my problem, you know? They simply ought to know how to show themselves out of my life if they want so.

Just because you knew me then doesn't necessarily mean you know me now. People do change. So what if I was a little too naive in the past? You grew up and grew to be more mature, didn't you? What makes you think I wouldn't too? What makes you think I would still be utterly the same person I was before? You don't know me and you're not involved with my life completely so don't act like you know better than me. You're just simply a by-stander, outside looking in on my life so spare me the preach, okay? You think I don't know myself better than you? Failure is not the end of the road and it doesn't determine my fate. It isn't okay for you to belittle people because of a few failures in their life. You're not Confucius or any mighty being or whatever so please just cut the attitude out. I don't need your attitude because I have my own.

I'm also sorry if my mindless rants on Twitter annoyed you. Nobody said you're obliged to follow me and keep track of my every twit, you're simply entitled to unfollow me as you like. There, I said it. Go ahead because nobody's stopping you. I wouldn't realize anyway.


Just-mine said...

Very very true. I love this post!

EeXin U. said...

Hahah, thank you :)