Friday, August 3, 2007

party animal to party pooper.

59 days to PM-fucking-R. (I may get the days wrong. :x)

I can just see it now. Uh huuuh. *gulps*

I'll be sitting in the school hall, fidgeting in my stupid uniform, nervously nibbling the end of my sharpened to perfection 2B pencil, staring at perfectly printed wrinkle-free sheets of paper, trying not to suffocate in the cut-throat tenseness in the atmosphere, prayers will be running through my head on a constant loop, while the shifty eyed, hawk-like guards watch our every move. *gasp*

and as I hesitantly start devouring the first question, the only thing I'll be thinking would be, "Oh my fucking God."

Heck, I might not even make it to the school hall. I'm gonna jump off a building. RAHHH.

Okay, maybe I'm overreacting but like seriously, I dont know whether I can do this.. For the past 2years (and including this year too) I've had such a nonchalant attitude towards my studies. I could have failed all my papers and not given a shit. The things that existed in my world, the only things that I gave a damn about were boys, cute tops, the TV, the PC, my cellphone, my boyfriend and my friends.

PMR had always seemed as far away as never-never land. I regret every blind eye I've turned to my test marks. I regret every time I've chosen an outing or wasting time than bucking up for my exams. I regret not doing any of my homework. I regret turning a deaf ear to my 'rents and their advice.

The pressure may be eating me alive, I may be drained everyday from school, studying, and going to tuition every single day, but I'm trying not to fall apart. I need those As. 2months of gruelling work is nothing, as I was supposed to start this months ago.

Ahh. I regret.

Anyways, let's talk about something else other than PM-fucking-R. Oh yes, I know what. It's.. I LOVE MY DEAREST FRIEND SO THE VERY MUCH. *grin* He gave me chocoballs yesterday and candies, for today. Oh and we hold hands. *beam* Three more days and we're together for one whole month. Oh gee. Should I get him something? Or rather for us? Gah.

Erk. I got to go. I have tuition tommorow morning. Good night & sweet dreams to all.

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