Todaydate is 07 July 2007. The 'rents are gonna attend a wedding dinner tonight. Leaving me and my brothers without dinner. Lol. -.- I guess I'm going out to eat tonight, with my brothers. Blech. Second brother went out with his friends, I suppose. So that leaves me and big bro, don't feel like going out. So we ordered Pizza instead. Yum yum.
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Zac is so mean. He said something so-o-o mean at tuition just now.
Me: *blabbing about me having a boyfriend*
Zac: So? You guys won't last long anyway.
Me: *glares* What?! Ohh. FINE, be like that. *walks off*
Mean right? I knowww, so the very. Hmph.
I'm wondering.. *deep in thoughts* ahh, nevermind. Sigh. I'm thinking too much again. :/ Gah. Shoo, moody feeling. *frowns*
I love him and I always will.
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