Wednesday, July 18, 2007

another day of hell.

Heyya peepos.

Let's start off with my day. Gee, I can't stand my school rules. I seriously can't stand it anymore. There's another new rule. We needa reach school before 6.50am. I mean COME ON! Is 7o'clock in the morning not early enough? MCB. It is just 10 minutes difference and class still starts at 7 something. Does it make any difference at all? No right? Then, what shit is this about. Grr. Yes, I was late this morning. There was a traffic jam. What do you expect? So yeah, those little EVIL junior prefects wrote my name down. All the late comers gathered in the CENTER of our earthschool, where EVERYONE can see us. Indeed, very embarassing. Then, Encik Tan Kim Hock, Cikgu Wong Kung Kui and Mdm. Hii appeared out of no where. Encik Tan started talking lotsa crap and checked our nails, socks, everything lah. Then it was my turn, he called me out becos my socks were short. My socks covered my ankle perfectly, OKAY?! Sheesh. *frown* I think all my socks are either way too short or way too long. Lol. Mdm. Hii checked us again and let some of us go, one of 'em was GWH. Talk about unfair-ness. So maybe her socks were maybesortakindof longer than mine by ABIT, but that doesn't mean she doesn't needa pluck weeds and grass. Why yes. I actually plucked grass and weeds. Such a good start for another new day huh? BLAH. *frown*

First period was PJK. Since I was plucking weeds and grass, I didn't go back to class. Tsk tsk. Many of them was punished outside becos they didn't hand in their projects. Har dee har har. Well, I'm not done with mine too, lets say I didn't even start. *sinister laugh* Consider myself quite lucky.
Second&Third, Cikgu ONG's class. *gulps* Pretty well. No lectures, scoldings or anything but somehow I was paranoid. *sigh* It is as if Cikgu Ong.. Nevermind, I hate this feeling. *sob*

And the rest was pretty well too.. *grin* except that I was late for Maths extra class.

After that, went to tuition straight away. I was so moody until Augustine came and sat beside me. I can't help it. In my mind, I kept thinking I'm a failure, he deserves someone better than me. *sigh* And I still do think like that. :'( I'm sorry I can't be perfect.

There's good news too. Darren Goh is back in Miri. Omgosh, I miss him shitloads. I want to meet him badly. Joan, Vivian and NangShing get to see him, at least. I haven't met or talk to him in ages. *sigh*

Here's something I found. I got it from this person's blog. It is indeed how I feel.
you dont know, you can't just really know,
what my heart feels when you dont talk to me.
you cant feel, how fast my heart beats when you speak kindly to me.
you cant hear, what my heart utters, when my lips refuse to say.
you dont know, you cant just really know,
what's the feeling of your presence means to me.

but still thanks for always being there for me.

Wow. Such a long post, sort of. Heeh. I'm out of words. Tata.

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