Friday, July 27, 2007

and she screams in your face.

Sorry about the lack of updates. I've been busy and I can't online much. Exams are killing me. Berkala 2 starts tommorow on a Saturday. How nice huh? *frown*

Hmm, lemme see what happened lately. I can't really remember much. I am very absent-minded.

There was a spotcheck. My class was the only class that kena-ed spotcheck in the whole school. How amazing. And it was so-o-o sudden. The junior prefects was all to blame. They didn't even let the seniors know. Tsk tsk. How pity. Of course, things were consficated. BLAHS! Eunice brought two cellphones, Maggie brought two cellphones, Jeff brought his cellphone too, I guess.. MY CORRECTION TAPE and etc etc was all consficated. It was kinda unfair though. Illiot and some others' MP4/MP3 didn't kena consficated. *mumbles* They aimed for the handphones. Some backstabber freak reported to the teachers or prefects, I suppose. If I find out who is that little creep, I'll pulverize him/her. As if I can. I can't even kill a little bug.

Daddy's birthday was on 23rd July. Too bad I didn't get to blog about his birthday and he is officially retired. *grin* It's really time for him to relax. He has been working for all his life for this family. *sigh*

Oh and I went to Dynasty for dinner last night because of *cough cough*. *laughs* Har dee har har. I can't let you people know. It is sortofmaybekinda personal. I'll let you know if I'm in a good mood. *evil grin*

Okay, I can't really think of anymore more to blog about. I'm off to take my bath.

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