Wednesday, June 20, 2007

the bet.

Me, Eunice, Gabriel, Aaron, Michelle, Maggie, Natalie, Eunice's boyfriend and so on? Guess so. I can't really recall. All I remember is, I owe Gaby 10bucks and why? Becos I'm dumb, that's why.

We have Maths extra class starting from today. So yeah, we went to Sabah Hawkers together for lunch today. I ordered something that I forgot what its called. Anyways, mine came first. Yay. I finished eating and I was like messing with the sauces and mixing 'em. I know I'm gross, but what evs. It's okay to be dirty once in awhile hor? Heeh. I dared Gabriel to drink one spoon of the mixture I mixed. It contains Chilli sauce, soya sauce, the soup in my bowl, Teh Tarik, Cincau and etc etc. I had a 10bucks bet with him. Oh, guess what? YES! He gulped that spoon of *insert the liquid's name*. I was HOLY MOLY, YOU DIDN'T?! BUT HE DID. *glares at Gabriel* OMGWTFBBQ. So now, I owe him 10bucks. Screw him. Hmmph.

That's all folks. *grins*

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